3. Boardwalk One
4. Breakers
5. Comfort Inn Boardwalk
12. Ocean 1 Hotel & Suites
14. Hotel Monte Carlo
20. Lambros & Hampton House Apts.
22. Majestic Hotel
25. Park Place Hotel
27. Plim Plaza
29. Rideau Motor Inn
33. Shoreham Hotel
35. Tidelands Caribbean Hotel

42. Ocean Gallery
43. Park Place Gallery
44. Boardwalk Arch

45. Atlantic Books

46. Candy Kitchen
47. Wockenfuss

53. M.R. Ducks
56. SeaBreeze Discount Sportswear

59. Edward's

60. Dutch Funnel Cakes

63. Kite Loft

66. Glitter and Gold
67. Gold Standard
71. Park Place Jewelers

73. Dumser's

77. Fisher's

78. Old Time Photo

79. Bonjour Cafe
81. Bull on the Beach
83. Conner's Beach Café & Sail Loft Deck Bar
85. Dough Roller
87. Mug & Mallet
89. Paul Revere Buffet
92. Shenanigan's
93. Tony's Pizza and Ocean Deck



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